
Here’s how it all works together lets composers/musicians store their scores and parts in the “Cloud” (aka a secure web server using state of the art technology) and share them effortlessly with others.

The simplest way to share parts with musicians in your ensembles is via the apps we’ve developed for iOS and Android. Musicians can simply login and access the music you’ve shared with them. You can organize the music in to set lists or projects for concerts or sessions. Or simply share ad hoc parts. Whatever is easiest for you.

Our apps include PDF viewers which are usable on the gig. And we also include integrations with other on-device PDF readers. From within our app, you can easily send the PDF to other PDF readers installed on your device. We want to make it as easy as possible to get ready for the gig.

Musicians can also log on to our web site to view the parts directly on their computers. And of course they can download the parts or even print them out to paper.

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